Wilderness Threadworks was founded in 2012 to offer you lightweight Australian made outdoor gear. Calling on first-hand outdoor experience of 20+ years combined with countless hours of designing and prototyping, Wilderness Threadworks gear is light, durable and efficient. All designs go through a rigorous development period to ensure these products perform to their maximum potential.
- Dan Pitt
Over the years I’ve purchased a number of custom packs from Dan at Wilderness Threadworks. Each order has been seamless and easy, with lots of friendly and patient communication that has resulted in packs that were built exactly how I wanted them.
The packs are not only lightweight but they are built to last. They are tough and have handled everything I’ve thrown at them. They are the perfect match for the rough and tumble of the Australian bush. I have the utmost confidence in them no matter the trip.
It’s always been obvious when communicating with Dan that he has an immense amount of pride in his products. It seems like he is always improving his designs and testing out new fabrics. This means the customer is always getting the absolute best product available at any given time.
— Stefan De Montis
Dan was super helpful (and patient!) as I went back and forth with him trying to decide what fabrics to use for my backpack.
The final product is absolutely perfect – exactly what I need for all my outdoor frivolities! The pack is light, super durable, and is perfect for the gear I’m carrying. Every detail has been well thought out and serves a purpose. I’ve had my pack for a couple of years now and it’s survived many thrashings through scrubby Tasmanian bush, as well as multi-day hikes in the desert, snow and everything in between.
Choosing to shop small and have a real relationship with a brand and it’s maker is so important and special. I look forward to finding an excuse to add a second WT pack to my hiking kit.
— Kirsten Stallard
I've purchased a number of Wilderness Threadworks packs over the last couple of years, in a variety of sizes/models.
They have always been made to a super high standard, and have been used all over Australia ranging from South-West Tasmania to the Larapinta Trail, the Australian Alps, and a number of places in between.
Dan has always been highly responsive and professional and uses his broad knowledge to provide helpful feedback for choosing the right pack (fit, materials, size, design, etc) that is best suited to your individual needs.
— Ian Hopkins